- IO3 - Guideline of Physical traveling exhibition in Greek
- IO3 - Guideline of Physical traveling exhibition in Spanish
- IO3_Guideline_for_physichal_travelling_exhibition_in_Macedon…
- IO3 Guideline for physichal travelling exhibition in German
- IO3 - Guidline of physical travelling exhibition in English
- IO2 Curriculum Train the trainer in Greek
- IO2 - Curriculum Train the trainer in Macedonian
- IO2 - Curriculum Train the Trainer in Spanish
- IO2 - Curriculum Train the trainer in German
- IO2 - Curriculum Train the Trainer in English
- IO2 - Project handbook in Greek
- IO2 - Project handbook in Macedonian
- IO2 - Project handbook in Spanish
- IO1- Research report on intergenerational dialogue through biographic work, art and creativity in Macedonian
- IO1 - Research report on intergenerational dialogue through biographic work, art and creativity in German
- IO1 - Research report on intergenerational dialogue through biographic work, art and creativity in Spanish
- IO1 - Research report on intergenerational dialogue through biographic work, art and creativity in Greek
- IO1 - Research report on intergenerational dialogue through biographic work, art and creativity in English
- Suitcase Digital Workshop Soapstone
- Suitcase of my life. Digital tutorial: Painting
- Suitcase of my life. Digital tutorial: Drawing
- Suitcase of my life. Digital tutorials: Shooting & editing photos
- Suitcase of my life. Digital tutorials: Video recording & editing
- IO1 Video: Research report on intergenerational dialogue through biographic work, art and creativity in English
- Suitcase Digital Workshop Anleitung Kofferpacken
- Suitcase Digital Workshop QR Code Deutsch
- Suitcase of my Life Digital Workshop QR Code ENGLISH
- Suitcase of my life Digital tutorials Pipecleaner
- Suitcase of my life Digital tutorials Pfeifenreiniger
- Suitcase of my life Video Tutorial Audio recording and editing SEAL CYPRUS EL
- Suitcase of my life Digital tutorials Shooting & editing photos
- Suitcase of my life Digital tutorials Handlettering